Children in Need 2018


16th November 2018

Today, it all got a bit spotty in school as the children took part in our Children in Need fundraising day.  We started  by contemplating the importance of 'Pudsey Day' and how the donations we make can have a huge impact on the lives of others. 
We then completed activities across the morning, including participating in our new School Council's colouring competition.  The level of artistic talent on show made this very hard for our councillors to judge but no one could dispute their final decisions - worthy winners indeed!
We finished our Spotacular with a spotty trail during outdoor learning.  The children had to find the 10 spotted animals hidden around the school grounds and crack the code.
We would like to say a huge thank you to all of our amazing parents and carers for your wonderful efforts in raising over £120 for the charity.  Thank you, thank you and thank you once again.