
Admissions to Felton C of E Primary School

Currently all Reception admissions are initially administered by the admissions department at Northumberland County Council (see link below) and in year admissions are processed by school. Please contact Iain Long the Office Manager for further details.

Northumberland County Council Online Admissions Portal (for first and primary school places)

All applications to join Felton Church of England Primary School, other than September Reception intake, are made through the school. Parents may choose any school for their children, however schools and local authorities operate admissions policies which rank applications. Further details on Northumberland County Council admissions to our school can be found in our Admissions Policy below.

Reception Admissions 2024

Applications for a Reception 2024 place will open on 01 November 2023, applications will close on 15 January 2024.  

In Year Admissions

In year admissions are those that take place other than at the normal time of entry to the school in September.

The admissions team co-ordinates the transfer process on behalf of schools in Northumberland, including academies, voluntary aided and trust schools.

Parents are welcome to contact the school directly to establish if there are any places in a particular year group or to be placed on the waiting list. If you would like to visit the school then please contact Iain Long the Office Manager.

To transfer schools you must complete an 'In Year' application form.  If you are unable to complete this form a paper copy is available by contacting the school admissions team:
School Admissions
Northumberland County Council
County Hall
NE61 2EF

Tel:  0345 600 6400
Or by email:

In-year school admissions form



The responsibility for appeal arrangements rests with Northumberland County Council. If you would like to appeal, you can access the online school appeal form here or contact the admissions team for a paper form. Please note, an appeal form should only be completed if your child has been refused a place at a school. Please read the school appeals guidance for parents before completing the form.

When completed, the appeal form should be returned to:

Democratic Services
Northumberland County Council
County Hall
NE61 2EF. 

Appeals are heard by an independent panel and a decision is made by an appeal committee as to whether or not to offer a school place. The decision is binding on the admissions authority.

If your appeal for a community school is unsuccessful, you may not appeal for the same school within one calendar year, unless there has been a material change in your circumstances.

Acceptance of a place at a school does not affect your right to appeal for a place at another school.

However, if you decide to appeal for any of your preferences, it is wise to secure a place for your child at an alternative school in case your appeal is unsuccessful, because secondary transfer appeals are normally heard during the second half of the summer term.

By this time, there will be very few alternative schools with vacancies, but we are always willing to discuss alternative schools with vacancies at any stage in the process.